“All we do is teach people how sausage is made”— The Only Harmless Great Thing by Brooke Bolander

This is a short novella, so short that I finished it on the flight back to New York. But it is so hard to read. I almost quitted at the first several pages, confused by the three stories which intertwined and jumped back and forth, as well as the abstract writing and metaphors throughout the book. It is an alternate history that combines three storylines: a folktale in the collective

More is better? One experience of Facebook Live Split Screen

Last week I went to my friend’s home for Spring Festival dinner. We were making dumplings from scratch. I thought: perhaps it is a good chance to share on Facebook? I have been watching live streaming for a while on various platforms such as Facebook Live, YouTube Live, Periscope, YouNow, Twitch. I am fascinated with novel features of these stream tools. Facebook Live really has many fancy features such as

Distinguish authors via PCA 用PCA进行作者识别分析

This exercise will use NLTK database and distinguish four authors via PCA. As a programming beginner, there might be some mistakes in this post. If any please comment below. Any feedback is welcome. NLTK (Natural Language Toolkit) is a platform with plenty of human language data with over 50 corpora and lexical resources, such as Brown Corpus, Project Gutenberg, NPS Chat, etc. This post we will use text from Project Gutenberg and analyze four

How is data visualization influenced by our cognitive processes?

We see plenty of data visualization every day, on newspaper, billboard, smartphone, etc. Information about politics, culture, business is rapidly converted from numeric data to graphic images like bar charts, scatter plots, maps, networks etc. The goal of visualization is to aid our interpretation of data by leveraging the visual system of human beings to recognize patterns, trends, and identify outliers (Heer, 2010). When designing the visualization of data, what

Cool papers about information visualization

These days I read some cool papers about information visualization, especially in scientific study. Balancing Systematic and Flexible Exploration of Social Networks Summary: This paper discusses a system called SocialAction, which allows users to systematically analyze social networks. SocialAction allows users to use a variety of techniques, such as attribute ranking, filtering, and graphing, to better visual and understand large and complex networks of data. The purpose of this system