Distinguish authors via PCA 用PCA进行作者识别分析

This exercise will use NLTK database and distinguish four authors via PCA. As a programming beginner, there might be some mistakes in this post. If any please comment below. Any feedback is welcome. NLTK (Natural Language Toolkit) is a platform with plenty of human language data with over 50 corpora and lexical resources, such as Brown Corpus, Project Gutenberg, NPS Chat, etc. This post we will use text from Project Gutenberg and analyze four

Norving’s Spelling corrector 用Python写一个简单的拼写检查器

Note: if you are an experienced programmer, it will not help. This post is suitable for those who have little programming background and need detailed explanations, like me. 最近在上Python的课,老师介绍了一个经典的用贝叶斯实现简单的单词拼写检查的例子。为了弄懂到底在讲什么,像我这种设计背景没编程基础的只能一句一句抠咯。本文适合和我一样没什么基础的,专业程序员们请绕道。